Total surface area of the commercial mall area is 26,200 m2, consists of a basement, ground floor , first and second floors.
It also includes recreational areas, open theater and a dancing fountain with a total area of 77500 m²
The Basement
A total area of 26000 m 2 containing the parking with an area of 14900 m 2 in addition to a hypermarket and a group of commercial agencies.
Ground Floor
A total area of 14,200 m 2 containing 45 commercial units with different areas as well as 5 restaurants and a banks area.
The First Floor
A total area of 13455 m 2 containing 66 commercial units and two restaurants with an outdoor terrace overlooking the recreational area.
Second Floor
A total area of 11955 m 2 containing kid’s playground area and commercial agencies with different surface areas.
The mall also has a recreational area of 9027m2 which contains many recreational activities.
The recreational area consists of a dancing fountain, an open theater, a kid’s play area, a food court area as well as restaurants and cafés area consisting of 20 restaurants and cafés in addition to the private open areas of each restaurant or café.